Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Mothers Day Card


Mother’s days been, I very much love my mum so I made her a lovely card, it looks like this -

As you can see, I coloured it in by hand using polychromos. I used 4 different shades of grey to colour her hair. I also used 3 shades of peach and 1 shade of pink for the cheeks. The dress is shaded and so are shoes. The pot and flowers were hard to shade but I managed.
Do you think it was worth it?
It is a Tiddly Inks design. Tiddly Inks is a digi stamp. I have completed some other designs but they are not on cards yet. There is a lot more designs for me to try.
Like the paper choice...? The hearts are for the love and the pink is just to give it a better border.
The letters are wonky to make it look a little more hand written.
I like the card, I hope you do to.

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